Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rage, something I threw together this mornin'.

While playing Modern Warfare 2 I've noticed that people rage pretty hard at the game, even while winning. It makes me wonder why people get so angry at this game more often than other FPS titles. Could it be due to the lack of control a player faces at time, the "cheapness" of some tactics, or could everyone just be on their period at once?

Often a MW2 player is not in control of what's happening; for example, you're running out in Wasteland trying to rush the enemy spawn, one kill away from your Harriers when all of a sudden a Predator Missile come out of no where and ruins your plans. This moment causes anger in the player not only because their killstreak was ruined but they had absolutely no say in it. If it had been another player they could rationalize the event, "I should have taken it slower", "I need to be more aware of my surroundings", ect. In this case, however, there is little the player can do other than just taking it, which leads to rage of the nerd.

How often does one find themselves on the receiving end of a camper, perhaps the giving? One of the problems with MW2 is the massive camping that takes place in the game which, at times, can be perplexing as to why the person was camping in the first place. A game of Domination, your team has A and B but for some reason the entire enemy team is camping at their spawn. Have they given up? Are they trying to prevent themselves from getting spawn killed? Or are they just dumb? In most cases its the latter of the three, most players in random games go for kills and that's it; if the opposite team is winning but at the same being funneled right to their spawn, that's fine. To be killed by someone camping a choke point or randomly prone on the ground causes anger in the average player and can cause them to tunnel vision revenge making their overall experience lessen with every death on the road to vengeance.

Some gamers will just be angry no matter what. Your teams winning, Johhny is 11-0, he pulls up his AC130, gets to 23-0 but while he's raining death from above, someone from the other team knifes him. All of a sudden the world is ending. Johhny just lost his chance at a nuke and is screaming the chain of events in your ear. The game is sabotage, you're on offense, and Johhny was just kill whoring to try and get that sweet emblem. The point to this story is simple, Johhny, while ignoring the objective was still contributing to his team winning but when things don't go his way its the fucking apocalypse. Online gamers just tend to have a short fuse; one death and shit hits the fan. Never mind his team is doing a great job overall. Gamers just tend to get mad easily and always have.

So next time you find yourself raging at what seems like an unfair match in any game, remember it really is just a game. Unless you're in MLG or some random tournament where there's money on the line the outcome really doesn't matter. Just have fun with it; after isn't that what video games are about?


  1. itt's kinda of a wall of text.. (W.O.T.) xD

    is was nice after to read after all

  2. I'm still not too good at formatting here yet. Although its broken up into paragraphs soo not wall of text :p

  3. Epic story about MW2, i love that game!

  4. hahaa, words of wisdom. But rage is pretty funny though...

  5. I take a second to laugh at ragers then I mute them because it hurts to hear 12 year olds scream like girls.

    They don't think it's a game.

    Very insightful post, looking forward to more.

  6. good post bro, keep them coming

  7. Not really hard to Rage online, happens to me most of the time.

  8. This is indeed a very cool story, brother

  9. totally the cheap tactics in MW2, that's why only 13 year olds play it. sorry, that game is teh suck.

  10. MW2 SUCKS, I still play Gears Of War 2 :P

  11. I love hearing someone have a good rage.

  12. I don't understand how people rage so hard in MW2. it's like, chill the fuck out!
